Bunte Republik Neustadt or BRN.

The weekend of June 17th to 19th was the great nonstop party in dresdens heart city called Neustadt. Called as ( BRN) Bunten Republik Neustadt.I was lucky enough to experience BRN with the locals.
About The Bunte Republik Neustadt (German: literally “Colourful Republic of Neustadt”) was a micronation in Dresden in Germany, in parts of the city’s district  -Neustadt, from 1990 to 1993; nowadays every year in June a 3-day cultural festival is celebrated there under the same name.

Walking around Neustadt I have many time noticed flag with Mickey Mouse and now I know what it is. It’s the symbol of Bunte Republik Neustadt or BRN.

I had a cool experience with new found friends. There was music for people for all kind and music of all types like metal, house, trance..

It was hard for us to decide which street to go as there was open air street performance.

Neustadt is usually the liveliest place to be.  First of all we went for an never ending search for Indian food, yes we did find some Indian food stall  after that we strolled around and listened to the bands that caught our fancy and yes we danced bollywood.

The people living in Neustadt even got in on the festivities by playing their own music from the high loft windows. Different types of music rang from small make shift stages and dance parties were everywhere! It was a great chance to sample new music and taste new beer but the beer was overpriced. This was probably the most energetic street party of the city.

I was full of content to have had such a great weekend

4 thoughts on “Bunte Republik Neustadt or BRN.

  1. Kim Gorman says:

    These videos are awesome. Thanks for sharing. I was born in Germany and lived there for the first two years of my life, traveled all over Europe with my parents, and of course no memory of it. My dream is to go back. In the meantime, I appreciate this video.


  2. rosemaylily2014 says:

    Very enjoyable post! Have visited Germany quite a few times and hoped to get to Dresden from Berlin but didn’t have time. Neustadt sounds such an interesting place! Thanks for visiting my blog Le Chic En Rose too and “liking” my posts! Much appreciated Rosemary 🙂


    • Sallyporte says:

      Thank you so much for liking the post🙂
      Actually I am living in this region (Dresden) so it was a good opportunity to experience and had a whale of time😊
      I have never been to Kerala, though I wish to be there sometime. The photos of the back waters and houseboats of Kerala looks no less than a paradise. No doubt why Kerala is called Gods Own Country😊


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